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Quince Tarte Tatin

Ingredients Quince (2 kg)Flower (200 g)Butter (125 g)Egg (1)Sugar (1 kg)Powdered sugar (50 g) Recipe Butter, flour, powdered sugar and egg are mixed together into a dough, it should be a rather firm dough. Insert dough into the fridge to get it completely cold....

Quince Pickles

Ingredients Quince (1,5 kg)Sugar (600 g)Water (0,5 l)Apple vinegar (2,5 dl)Skin of a half lemonSpices of your choice (cardamom, star anise, peppercorn) Recipe Clean and cut into slices.Boil until they are a bit soft. approximately 20 min.Let them cool off and peel off...

Quince Jam

Ingredients Quince (1 kg)Water (3-4 dl)Sugar (80g)Lime or lemon (1)Ginger (small branch)Vanilla (1 pod) Recipe Cut quinces into pieces and remove stones. Skin can be removed now or at next step after boiling. Keep the skin if you like a more “rough” texture.Boil the...